"This librarian does not create policies and procedures that impede users’ access to the library. This librarian tells users how resources and funds will be expended. Decisions and plans are discussed in open forums and comments are answered. This makes the library transparent."
- Michael Stephens, OCLC
* Wishful thinking!
''This librarian uses Instant Messaging to meet users in their space online, builds Weblogs and wikis as resources to further the mission of the library, and mashes up content via API (Application Program Interface) to build useful Web sites.'
- Michael Stephens
* I like this, but I fear it's only because if I don't, I might lose all semblance of my librarian geek street cred. Let's face it, the vast majority of internet users in our library, at least, are tweeny-boppers. Are they going to want to spend their precious afterschool YouTube time checking out a
library blog? Even in a more adult audience, really--who's going to want to check out a library wiki when they could be
I'm completely in agreement that libraries are quickly mutating into this trendy, ever-evolving organism, but I suspect that nobody but librarians know that! With all the dramatic measures that many public library systems have undergone these days, it may be only a matter of time before this public opinion changes on a wide scale, but it's going to be a huge matter of time yet. We're going up against centuries-old associations with scowling librarians 'ssshhhhing' with upraised forefingers here, and that's not going to get undone by a couple weekend Guitar Hero sessions. It's working, Library 2.0 is working, but it's going to take some time yet for much of the public to 'catch on'. The author needs to rein in his inner geek a little bit here.
"We need to focus our efforts not on teaching research skills but on eliminating the barriers that exist between patrons and the information they need, so they can spend as little time as possible wrestling with lousy search interfaces and as much time as possible actually reading and learning."
- Rick Anderson OCLC
* Agree. I'd go so far as to lump the Dewey Decimal system as a 'lousy search interface' but, oops, I may have said too much.