So I'm typing up a report, right, and this report has tables. I had several existing tables I wanted to add new rows to. Here's what I did.
Right click -> Insert -> Insert Rows Above.
Super! It did what I wanted it to do, mission accomplished, row added, didn't give it a second thought.
I come to another table, and found that I wanted to add more rows. I thought, 'no bigee', right-clicked, and...
Wait, where's the Insert Rows option?
Desperately I hunted around for it, like a blind boy who's lost his seeing-eye dog in a crowded pet store. After the initial panic wore off and logic clicked in, I figured, 'hey, noob, it's probably up in the Insert tab'. Of course it would be, I told myself. Like the old File, Edit, View, etc options on the menu bars of yore, surely everything that I could possibly want to Insert into a document should be there. Right?
Microsoft says, 'nein'.
"I'm sorry, fleshbag, we are unable to insert your rows at this time. Would you like to insert a calendar instead? We support calendars in many different formats, including pagan and Aztec solar charts. If none of these options are to your liking, we suggest thumping your chest with your fists and grunting, or partaking in some other activity that might amuse your inferior simian faculties."
Turns out, the Insert Rows function ONLY appears if your cursor is located at the END of a word, prior to right clicking.
Caption provided by Invisible Cat [who] Is Invisible.
Why? I've stopped asking why a long time ago. Now I just stare at the screen. And hope that one of the architects of this lumbering hate-machine feels the sting of my disapproval.
And then dies.