Wednesday, February 11, 2009

#10 - delicious!

It's been said that the age of keyword searching will spell the doom of serendipity, the kind of accidental discovery of valuable info-resources that can only happen while 'browsing the stacks'. takes browsing back in a whole new way; browsing other people's bookmarks seems like a great resource for information-sharing, and it is.

Tags are neat, and at least on the NVDPL's bookmarks, entries are very thoroughly tagged and categorized (not surprising for a bunch of librarians), allowing for quick and accurate-ish searching. I've used the page once or twice during Askaway sessions, and while I didn't find any major resources to field my reference queries (viva la Google), it's not a bad resource for finding related/general interest links.

I'm always for easy access to bookmarks (especially when switching computers or browsers). But no doubt it's a great resource for information sharing. The only problem with it, as always, is that it's quite time-consuming to add to, and to browse.

But now I know I'll be quite prepared to answer the next patron who comes asking about "slimes, just slimes".

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